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Eve, Minecraft, League of Legends and The Escapist all hacked

Lulzsec claims responsibility for further disruption as attacks continue

More disruption has arisen from the spate of hacking and denial of service attacks plaguing the games industry, with the servers of Minecraft, Eve Online, League of Legends and The Escapist the latest victims.

Claiming responsibility for the latest attacks is the Lulzsec collective, which has been inviting the nomination of targets, and announcing their downfall, via its Twitter feed.

Lulzsec is also the group which claimed to be behind the recent breach of Nintendo's security, as well as Bethesda and an attack on Sony.

Whilst Eve, Minecraft and League of Legends' login servers were targeted as a result of Tweeted requests, The Escapist appears to have been attacked in retaliation for forum comments threads disparaging the group.

After the DDoS attack against The Escapist, Lulzsec claimed via Twitter that bringing the site down took only 0.4 per cent of its botnet capacity, warning that much larger targets are within the network's potential range.

Whilst Anonymous may often claim to be operating in the interests of hacktivism when coordinating attacks, there appears to be little motivation behind Lulzsec's activities other than bravado and 'entertainment' value. Whether or not more companies remain on the group's list of targets remains to be seen.

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