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Digital distribution to cause new industry boom?

But Eutechnyx' Darren Jobling warns: adapt accordingly, or be left behind

Digital distribution is certain to be a big part of the future of the videogames industry, and is could be set to revolutionise the way that games are created, leading to a "second boom" in the market.

That's according to Eutechnyx' business development director, Darren Jobling, who told that "it's not a case of if digital distribution takes off, rather when it does."

"The high street unfortunately is in a mess right now," he explained. "With Woolworths closing and a number of other big names in a bad shape, it doesn't look too good for the bricks and mortar stores. The industry needs to evolve and weather it. If we can adapt and modify our way of thinking, then it'll be a good thing for developers, as it means a more open, direct line of communication with the audience.

"However, we can't dismiss the impact such losses have, not only in terms of the financial burden such closures hit the publishers with, but also the simple fact that there's something to be said for the whole shopping experience.

"I'm sure future generations will find it odd that we used to have to leave the house to shop, but there's definitely something special about browsing shelves of physical games compared to the online experience. But it's not a case of if digital distribution takes off, rather when it does."

Jobling also noted that it would be important for companies to make sure they started planning for the digital distribution future now, so as not to miss out on the opportunities.

"We need to be aware of this and plan accordingly," he said. "Those who can adapt will benefit but those who can't adapt will find themselves left behind. But for those who are able to adapt, it could open up an entire new way of developing games and hopefully lead to a second boom in gaming."

The full interview with Darren Jobling is available now.

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