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Curve co-owner Jonathan Biddle leaving to become indie dev

Design Director founds onebitbeyond after 10 year stint at studio

One of the co-owners of Curve Digital, Design Director Jonathan Biddle, is leaving the firm to found his own indie studio: onebitbeyond.

Biddle has been with Curve for ten years, heading up the teams behind Fluidity and Stealth Inc. His new team will be publishing its game directly through Curve Digital, beginning with the already under production roguelike shooter, White Space. Previously underway at Curve, ownership of the game will now pass to onebitbeyond.

"I'm so intensely proud of the work I've done as part of the incredible team at Curve over the past ten years, and I'm hoping to continue creating games as fresh and exciting as those Curve made with my own studio for years to come," said Biddle in a statement. "Having seen the intimate inner workings of Curve Digital's publishing as it has grown, I couldn't imagine trusting anyone more with publishing my future titles. I'm looking forward to many more years of working with Curve as onebitbeyond Ltd."

"Since we founded the company a decade ago, Bidds has lead the teams developing titles which have not only achieved critical acclaim but have helped to define us as both a developer and a publisher," added Curve MD Jason Perkins. "We're very glad that Bidds' new venture will allow us to continue working closely together."

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