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Creative director departs Bioware

Daniel Erickson says goodbye after 6 years

Bioware's Daniel Erickson, creative director on Star Wars: The Old Republic, has confirmed his departure from the studio.

"As part of leaving BioWare I'm officially starting a twitter account for job hunt and design thoughts," he said through the social media site last night.

He joined Bioware in March 2005, where he became lead designer and creative director on Star Wars: The Old Republic. Prior to that Erickson had been a lead designer with Electronic Arts Canada and a senior editor for

"When 90 per cent of the industry is saying the exact same thing (social, mobile, FTP!) a huge number of people are going to lose that race," he added.

"Job hunt thoughts: If you think a monetisation approach is the same thing as a game idea I don't know why we're talking."

He joins Bioware founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk and former executive producer Rich Vogel in departing the company.

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