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Bungie's Nepal fund hits $400,000

UPDATE: Total just hit $500,000

Charitable Destiny fans have raised over $400,000 to help those affected by the earthquake in Nepal by purchasing a special edition tshirt from Bungie. The response has prompted the developer to contribute an extra $15 to the fund for each tshirt sold.

"That number represents how much money you (the community) raised to support disaster recovery in Nepal in just one week. In fact, you exceeded that milestone," said community manager David "Deej" Dague in an update.

"The beneficiary of your collective sense of charity will be Direct Relief, who will be delivering medical treatment and healthy commodities to the Nepalese. What can you accomplish during Week Two? Between now and next Wednesday, 5/13, at 11:59pm PST, the Bungie Foundation will match an additional $15 for every shirt sold, up to $50,000, for a total of $100,000 in new funds raised."

The tshirt is available at the Bungie Store.

Far Cry 4 developers also set up a fund to help Nepal, promising to match donations up to $100,000. That fund currently stands at $67074.80


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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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