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BioShock Infinite team loses two more

A designer and software engineer follow Irrational's previous departures

Ahead of BioShock Infinite's delayed February release, two more employees have left Irrational Games. VentureBeat has scoped out two profiles on LinkedIn that show employment changes for Irrational software engineer Don Norbury and designer Clint Bundrick.

Both gentlemen have taken positions at Microsoft, working on an unannounced project. Norbury is now a senior software development engineer with the company, while Bundrick is now a senior designer.

This follows the departure of director of product development Tim Gerritsen and technical art director Nate Wells two months ago. At the time, Irrational Games creative director Ken Levine said the departures were just normal turnover and not indicative of any problems with BioShock Infinite.

"In a company of 200 people you're going to have turnover," Levine said at the time. "I'm not going to stop people. We love Nate and I think we all remain friends. After 13 years he sort of finished his work on BioShock Infinite, as you will be able to tell when you see the game again... I think Nate's moving on to something else."

BioShock Infinite is currently scheduled for release on February 26, 2013.

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Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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