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Amazon's Android App Store launches

3800 titles available for US users today

Amazon has launched its Android App Store in the US, despite legal objections from Apple over the use of 'App Store' as a name.

3800 titles are available for download for North American users today, including a free version of new Angry Birds film tie-in, Rio for early adopters.

Users will also be able to test-drive apps, too - evaluating them for 30 minutes before purchase. One new free app will also be made available each day, reports Gizmodo.

The service has the support of most major mobile publishers, including Glu, Rovio and Gameloft. Amazon is using the same algorithms which power its main website's purchase suggestions to up-sell users other games, pointing buyers towards similar titles which fit their purchasing profile.

Amazon had promised to review each app before it hits the storefront, in an attempt to keep quality high. The content management stops there, however, with no restrictions on app contents other than a need to function properly.

Android is now the biggest mobile platform in the world, having overtaken Blackberry earlier this month.

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