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Wii U "definitely" more powerful than current HD systems says 5th Cell

Scribblenauts developer adds fuel to Wii U power speculation

The Wii U remains something of an enigma for the general gaming population in terms of technical ability. There has been much talk from around the development community on how exactly Nintendo hoped to beat out the current console generation with the Wii U, and it seems that more and more are affirming its power.

"[Wii U is] definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3," said 5th Cell CEO Jeremiah Slaczka. "It's kind of frustrating to see the rumors and speculation of people going back and forth saying it's weaker or more powerful. It's definitely more powerful."

Slaczka's comments ring similar to other developers such as Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli and Gearbox co-founder Brian Martel. The Wii U has shown off quite a bit of games and technical features, but many are still looking to developers for answers on how powerful the console really is.

"I think we were one of the first developers to see the Wii U," added Slaczka. "Nintendo came to our studio and demoed it to us. A couple of weeks later Warner Bros. got to see it, and we said we should do this. This game was originally a Wii title but later moved to Wii U. It's been about two years in development."

Of course, not all developers are saying the same thing; an earlier interview with a source GamesIndustry International spoke with said that the console was not living up to the expectations that many developers had hoped for. Said source believes that the graphics simply are not as powerful as current offerings.

At the end of the day, the proof will be in the pudding, so to speak. As the Wii U games are released this year and next, we'll all be able to judge for ourselves.

[via Videogamer]

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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