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Xbox 360 sales down in Europe

For the week ending October 21, European sales of the Xbox 360 were lower than all platforms other than the GameBoy Advance

For the week ending October 21, European sales of the Xbox 360 were lower than all platforms other than the GameBoy Advance.

The Xbox 360 enjoyed an increase in sales following the release of Halo 3, but according to VGChartz data, only 37,303 consoles were sold last week.

In contrast, 70,322 Wii consoles and 64,087 PS3 consoles were sold during in the same time frame. The PS3 enjoyed a sales boost due to a recent price cut and introduction of a lower-priced 40GB model.

Even the PS2 and PSP fared better than the Xbox 360, with 57,152 and 54,449 units sold respectively.

The Nintendo DS was still far and away the leader with 171,260 handhelds sold.

The drop in Xbox 360 sales may be shortlived, however, as Microsoft just announced a cheaper Arcade bundle that will go on sale in Europe on October 26.

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