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Xbox 360 app made $1m in 4 months for Pizza Hut

"It's been a source of unbelievable growth for us"

Online sales are constant source of fascination in the games industry, but it's often we're discussing the sale of hot cheesy bread. That could all change now Pizza Hut has revealed its Xbox 360 app saw $1 million worth of sales in just four months.

"It's been a source of unbelievable growth for us," director of PR for Pizza Hut Doug Terfehr told Polygon.

"Just the explosion of people who wanted to download it, experiment with it, play with it with Kinect. As soon as we did one, everyone was contacting us to do the next [one]."

"When you talk about a sweet spot for the pizza category it's definitely gamers and gaming. We're not done in that space."

The Pizza Hut app on Xbox 360 allowed gamers to order a pizza from their local outlets, with an option to use Kinect.

"We're always looking at ways to give our audience more of what they're interested in," said Microsoft's Larry Hryb when the app launched.

"If you look at our audience, they love pizza. I mean, who doesn't? It has international appeal, and Pizza Hut is a recognized brand that matches up well with the Xbox brand."

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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