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winSPMBT Version 3.0 Thunders Onto The Battlefield!

New Upgrade Absolutely Packed With Enhancements!

For Immediate Release

Hampstead, NC, 23 January 2007

The Camo Workshop and Shrapnel Games are pleased to announce that a new upgrade to the smash-hit winSPMBT is available for immediate download. Weighing in around 27 MB in size, the version 3.0 upgrade patch is positively bursting at its electronic seams under the weight of its contents, featuring plenty of new material and updates to previous content.

The upgrade patch contains the following exciting material, making an already superb game even better with such items as:

NEW! 25 Additional scenarios! Remember, there is never such a thing as too many scenarios. UPDATED! 89 previously released scenarios have been tweaked and updated. ADDED! Six campaigns, previously available online, have been added. NEW and UPDATED! 29 brand new maps, one updated previously released map. UPDATED! 113 AI picklists have been updated, along with one leader name file, and six updated ranks files. NEW! 687 new photos! NEW and UPDATED! Over 400 icons, both new and revised! UPDATED! 92 updated OOB files, updated cost calculator, and updated MOBHack!

That's right, all that in one amazing upgrade patch! What other companies would package as an expansion disc the Camo Workshop and Shrapnel Games proudly give you as an absolutely free patch. And as they say on late night commercials, but wait, there's more!

Not only does the version 3.0 upgrade patch include all the above great enhancements, it also includes several bug fixes, code changes, and other tweaks to the game. Some of the bug fixes include units cloned in the scenario editor were not retaining their weapon changes made by the user when the scenario in question was reloaded in the editor or simply played. This has been fixed. Another issue was that barge carriers were creating new barges when saved games were loaded, this has been fixed.

Some of the tweaks to the game itself include a maximum point limit of 65,000 from the original 50,000 point limit. Short range effects in infantry combat and artillery effectiveness against armor were both a tad high, and have been toned down. Retreat/rally hexes have been added to the game, and multi-charge HEAT has been added as a new weapon class and all HEAT ammo now has secondary HE ability.

Enhanced CD version owners also get some exclusive enhancements. Opfire filtering has been added, and ScenHack and CampaignHack are also included in this latest patch. Both ScenHack and CampaignHack were also included with the last version of winSPWW2 for Enhanced CD owners, and have been rewritten for use with winSPMBT. If you don't own the Enhanced CD version yet, why wait any longer? Start enjoying all the perks of the Enhanced CD!

In addition to the above changes many, many more tweaks and changes are present. For a complete list check out our website.

The version 3.0 upgrade patch applies to both the FREE version available for download and the Enhanced CD version available for purchase and may be downloaded directly at:

winSPMBT is the updated version of the much beloved classic SSI tactical game, Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles. The Camo Workshop, a group of highly dedicated fans, have been upgrading the original classic since 1998 and in doing so spawned not just the ultimate super-mod for a game, but created a classic by its own right.

winSPMBT is a fully functional, standalone game based on the original Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles code. At its core fans will appreciate finding the same turn-driven, hex-based tactical gameplay that made Steel Panthers so addictive. The Camo Workshop, over the years, has broken down and rebuilt the original game, making it the ultimate turn-based wargame of modern combined arms conflict. Boasting refinements in all areas, from graphics to equipment databases to scenarios, winSPMBT is not simply a port of an old DOS game to the era of Windows but a total rebirth.

Available both as a FREE download or an Enhanced CD edition for only $39.95 (which adds higher resolutions, a more intense map editor, and other enhancements for the serious Steel Panthers fanatic), winSPMBT has been a constant fan favorite.

For more information on winSPMBT or any of our other award-winning games, please visit us at There you'll find our complete catalog of titles, including the sister game of winSPMBT, winSPWW2, dedicated to the years of modern conflict prior to 1946.

For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol at:

To visit our company blog go to

For all other information, please contact:

Timothy W. Brooks

PO Box 488

Hampstead, NC 28443


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