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West and Zampella sign with Hollywood talent agency

Sacked Call of Duty heads partner with Creative Artists Agency

Vince Zampella and Jason West, the two ex-studio heads at the centre of the controversy between Activision and Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward, have signed with the L.A. based talent agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

The CAA represents a number of high profile sports and media stars, including Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Brad Pitt and George Clooney.

According to a Los Angeles Times report at least one other Hollywood agency was looking to sign the pair, although the CAA has refused to clarify exactly what kind of career move Zampella and West intend to make next.

The pair were sacked by Activision earlier in the month for still unspecified "insubordination". They subsequently filed a $36 million lawsuit against their former publisher for unpaid royalties - arguments over which are implied to be a primary reason for the sacking.

Creative control of Infinity Ward is also at the centre of the row. For years rumours have persisted of a strained relationship between the two companies, with Zampella and West claiming that Activision had reneged on an agreement not to limit in the studio's creative freedom.

Other rumours had suggestion the pair were in contact with other publishers, in particular Electronic Arts, and were discussing the foundation of a new development studio.

Activision has dismissed the lawsuit as "meritless", while the duo's lawyer has hinted that they could block the release of further Modern Warfare content.

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