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UKIE to host debate on piracy prevention

Trade body keen to discuss progressive solution to IP theft

Trade body UKIE has planned to host a debate for industry figures with the aim of examining methods of preventing piracy and IP theft in the UK industry.

In a response to the industry's reaction to SOPA and its revisions, new UKIE CEO Jo Twist, interviewed elsewhere on today, issued a statement calling for a debate on the issue.

UKIE has proposed to host the debate, which Twist says she hopes will include voices from all areas of games.

"We are very much involved in the debates around Intellectual Property," says Twist.

"Our industry has a very close relationship with gamers who drive our industry and we have led the way in supplying compelling content across all formats and constantly reviewing our business models. We are proud to have this relationship and want to preserve and build on the loyalty of all gamers.

"To this end we are announcing that we will host an industry debate to explore ways of positively building on the power of our products and services for game makers and players alike. This will happen in the coming weeks and will extend beyond our membership to all those involved in our innovative industry."

Part two of our interview with the UKIE CEO will be published tomorrow morning.

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