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UK retail sells 17.89 million games in Q1

Record high figures celebrated as Nintendo secures highest per centage of sales

The UK videogames industry has recorded an all time high for first quarter software sales, with retailers selling 17.89 million units and earning GBP 418.4 million.

The figures, provided by analysts Chart-Track, show an increase of nearly a third on the results from December 30 to March 29 last year, when 15.62 million units were sold and GBP 317 million earned.

"We are thrilled to see the industry continue to grow at such a rapid rate and videogame sales continuing to rise," said Paul Jackson, director general of ELSPA.

The figures also revealed that Nintendo benefitted the most from the sales by securing 37 per cent of all units sold. This was helped by Sega's DS and Wii title Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, which sold the most units over the period.

"This period has seen more innovative and family-friendly titles doing well and it is clear that consumers of all ages have been lining up to buy them," Jackson added.

Chart-Track's findings come after those of North America's NPD group, which show that Nintendo sold the most Wii consoles ever this March, outside of the holiday months of November and December, selling 720,000 units.

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