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UK film to show industry history

From Bedrooms To Billions looking for funding for documentary

A new film, From Bedrooms To Billions, will show the history of the British games industry between 1979 and 1996. It's currently looking for funding.

"From Bedrooms to Billions has been a very personal project for us since June 2008," said producer Anthony Caulfield.

"What's so fascinating is how the UK computer scene was originally nothing more than a scientific curiosity which snowballed into something so vast. As we started putting this film together we uncovered so many incredible stories, these people had to literally make up an industry as they went."

Production company Gracious Films is looking to raise $35,000 to make the film, which it hopes will include interviews from David Braben, The Pickford Bros, Tim and Chris Stamper and others.

"This film will be a great piece of nostalgic entertainment that documents an important part of UK history," added Nicola Caulfield.

"This era is so often overlooked and not known by young British talent looking to enter the games industry, as the vast majority of UK children, school leavers and even students believe that gaming originated mainly from the US and Japan and have little to no knowledge that a British games industry even once existed"

The team has previously created a number of short films and a number of documentaries.

"We have already completed pre-production and have begun the production of the film, having already filmed several interviews the story has continued to grow and opened up some additional stories that we really want to include in the film. The funding we have asked for will allow us to complete all of our planned interviews," explained the official site.

"Your support for this project will allow us to complete all of the filming and move the film into post-production where we can begin to put the film together."

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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