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Two new services introduced for Facebook Credits

'Buy with friends' and 'frictionless payments' available to devs

Facebook has expanded its offering to developers which primarily use the network's proprietary virtual currency by introducing two new services: 'buy with friends' and 'frictionless payments'.

Buy with friends is a service which allows users to share discounts in virtual items with friends who are laying the same game via their news feed, allowing them to purchase the item directly from there.

Frictionless payments are simply smaller Facebook Credit purchases, of 30 Credits or less, which can now be implemented with less UI "friction", which is essentially less fuss, by bypassing the Facebook Credits interface.

Facebook introduced the system of Credits in January, making it the mandatory exchange point for real world money into virtual cash.

Currently, developers are also able to stipulate the use of bespoke currencies of their own in game, but all money entering the system must first pass through the Credit exchange. Facebook hopes to encourage the widespread use of the Credits as in game currency via the propagation of incentives such as these.

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