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Tequila Works reacquires Rime rights from Sony

Could hint at multi-platform future for adventure title

Spanish studio Tequila Works has reacquired the rights to its adventure title Rime from Sony, breaking the news with a single tweet on its official account.

The game was slated to be a PlayStation exclusive and the first trailer was shown at Gamescom in August 2013.

"Well, Sony XDev is the publisher of Rime. That's a very good reason (laughs). They saw the potential, not just the risk. They trusted Tequila Works and our original project. That simple. They have created an excellent environment for indies," said Rime's creative director, Raul Rubio Munarriz, in 2014.

"Sony is taking good care of nurturing our creativity, not squeezing it or trying to tame it."

Tequila Works had actually orginally sought a deal with Microsoft, but had ended the relationship.

"In their defense, it has to be said that they didn't passed on it at first; project had been greenlighted and only when Xbox One plans made public and the project couldn't adapt, it was decided not to carry on and we moved it with other publishers," the studio told Gamereactor

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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