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Steve Jobs voted industry's most influential figure

Survey by London Games Conference reveals Apple's gaming impact

A recent survey of has named the late Apple executive Steve Jobs as the person who has done the most to shape the video games industry.

In the survey conducted by the London Games Conference Apple's iPhone was also voted as the top product to have impacted the industry, ahead of traditional games consoles.

26 per cent of repsondents named Jobs as their pick, followed by Gabe Newell of Valve, Shigeru Miyamoto, Tim Berners-Lee and Mark Zuckerberg.

In the product category the iPhone was way ahead of its nearest competitor the Wii, scoring 17 per cent ahead of the console's 7 per cent. Xbox Live won 3 per cent to tie it with the PlayStation 1, just ahead of Steam at 2 per cent.

1000 members of the industry were questioned for the survey, ahead of the London Games Conference which takes place November 10.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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