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Square Enix posts bumper financials

Revenue jumps 42% while profit rockets 50% following Eidos merger and strong sales

Square Enix Holdings has reported its full year financial results, with a very strong set of headline numbers, including revenue that jumped by 42 per cent and net income that rocketed by 50 per cent over the previous year.

The publisher was boosted by strong sales of five million-selling games: Final Fantasy XIII; Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies; Dragon Quest VI; Batman: Arkham Asylum; and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - with three of those games selling over 3 million apiece.

The company also completed its merger with Eidos, prompting the creation of the Square Enix Europe business unit headed by former Eidos CEO Phil Rogers.

In total the publisher posted revenues of ¥192 billion ($2 billion), with profit coming in at ¥9.5 billion ($102 million) and earnings per share, which were also up 50 per cent year-on-year, hitting ¥82.65 (89 cents) to the end of March 2010.

"We are pleased to announce results for the fiscal year ended March 2010 that achieve the highest net sales, operating income and recurring income since the merger [of Square and Enix] in April 2003," said Yoichi Wada, president of the company, adding that streamlining of the global business has helped the bottom line numbers.

The majority of the revenues came from the company's games business - ¥110 billion ($1.2 billion) in total - while the amusement sector fell slightly year-on-year to ¥52 billion ($561 million).

Meanwhile, almost three-quarters of the publisher's sales came in Japan, with 13.7 per cent from North America and 12.2 per cent from Europe.

The Square Enix share price at the close of the Tokyo Stock Exchange - before the financial results were released - was down 6.8 per cent to ¥1661 ($17.91).

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