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Square Enix ends Warner-Eidos US publishing deal

Distribution plans in North America to be taken back in-house following acquisition

Square Enix and Eidos have released a joint statement explaining that the current US publishing deal between Eidos and Warner Bros will come to an end following the releases of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Mini Ninjas, with responsibility for the distribution of titles thereafter to be taken back in-house.

The previous arrangement, which was put in place following a strategic partnership between Eidos and Warner Bros early last year, has now been rendered unnecessary following the Square Enix acquisition of the former UK publisher recently.

"Square Enix's recent acquisition of Eidos Interactive, makes it advantageous for Square Enix and Eidos to modify their distribution strategy," read the joint statement, signed off by Square Enix Inc president and CEO, John Yamamoto, and Eidos executive VP, Robert Lindsey.

"Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment is handling the upcoming launches of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Mini Ninjas in North America as co-publisher. All other games, including Kane and Lynch 2, Just Cause 2 will be handled directly by Square Enix, Eidos.

"We're working on other transition details, including catalogue products and will provide these details as soon as we have them worked out."

The highest profile game launch under the previous arrangement in the US was Tomb Raider: Underworld, which saw sales perform below expectations despite a strong marketing spend and a good reception from the critics.

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