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Square Enix Collective goes live

Service open to public pitching now, with catalogue IP coming soon

Square Enix's Collective initiative, which allows development teams to submit pitches for public assessment and crowd-funding potential, has officially launched after a three project trial phase.

"The pilot phase went really well, we learned so much during the test month and the teams we worked with; Tuque Games, Kitfox Games and Ruffian Games, have given great and useful feedback," said Square Enix's Phil Elliott, who is leading the project. "Now it's over to you as we open up the platform on an ongoing basis, and see what sort of ideas come in, from developers all around the world and what gamers think of those ideas."

Pitches will be publicised each Monday, once submissions have begun. Soon, Square Enix plans to open up its back catalogue of IP to ideas from pitchers, allowing developers to submit ideas based on its properties.

The first game to go through the process: World War Machine by Tuque Games, will commence its crowd-funding campaign later this month.

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