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Speedball 2: Precise Passing – no problem!

Speedball 2 gets passing system with auto-aiming

The developer team of Speedball 2 has immediately reacted to feedback from the community and the media - the futuristic action-sports-game obtains a sophisticated passing system with automatic detection of team members in reach. With the touch of a button, Speedball 2 gives players immediate information about two alternative passing opportunities. Close and more distant players are marked by differently highlighted circles surrounding the respective team members. Subsequently players are able to pass the steel ball to one of the possible alternatives. While the ball is still travelling through the air, players instantly take control over the character that receives it and continue their rush towards the opponent's goal. One-twos and advanced tactical moves involving multiple outfield players can easily be realized with the implemented passing system. Threatened by tough tackles, the receiving player is also able to bump the ball back to avoid losing possession.

Because of frequent requests from the community and the media, Frogster and Kylotonn decided to implement the passing function, diverging from the original gameplay of the computer games classic. Retro-fans and purists are nonetheless able to switch off the auto-aiming and play Speedball 2 with eight-directional shots like the original from the early Nineties. During the forthcoming closed beta test Frogster and Kylotonn will gather further feedback from assorted members of the community, so that Speedball 2 will become the tremendous blockbuster all fans expect. See further information on

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