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SOE announces new G.I.R.L. scholarship

Sony encourages female developers in $10k education promotion

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has begun accepting applications for its fourth annual Gamers In Real Life (G.I.R.L.) scholarship in the U.S.

The selected student will win $10,000 (£6,100) toward tuition fees and educational expenses and a paid internship of up to 10 weeks at one of SOE's development studios (not including room, board, transportation and living expenses not included).

"The most recent industry studies show that although a large percentage of the game playing population is female, they make up only about one in every 10 game developers," said Laura Naviaux, vice president of global sales and marketing at SOE.

"For the fourth year in a row, SOE is committed to encouraging women to pursue an exciting and rewarding career of developing fun and innovative games for everyone," she added.

The scheme is being organised in co-operation with non-profit, private sector body Scholarship America. To be eligible, entrants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program related to video games and due to graduate no earlier than the spring term of 2012.

Further information can be found at SOE's website, with submissions - including two pieces of original concept art and one essay - due to be submitted by 6 April. The winner will be announced in mid-May.

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