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Singapore adopts video game ratings system

Region plans to implement a two category rating system for videogames this month

Singapore’s Media Development Authority has announced plans to implement videogame age ratings, to come into force on April 28.

The rating system will see game boxes stickered with either a Mature 18 or an Age Advisory rating. Games which don’t fit in either category will be unrated and go without any sticker.

"The age-appropriate ratings and consumer advisories will help parents make informed choices about the games their children play," said Amy Chua, chairman of the Board of Film Censors.

"This represents a balanced approach in enabling more media choice for Singaporeans while protecting the young."

Games which merit the Mature 18 rating will be restricted to adults by law, while games with the Age Advisory rating are free to be bought by any one of any age but discretion is advised.

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