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Sifteo announces price, date for Sifteo Cubes in US

$149 for three motion sensing mini-displays and USB wireless link device

Sifteo has priced and dated its new Sifteo Cube devices for the US, with an initial offering of $149 for three of the Cubes and a wireless USB dongle to link them to a PC or Mac.

The Cubes will start shipping to US and Canadian customers this September.

Sifteo Cubes are 1.5" displays fitted with motion sensors, wireless transmitters and sensors to detect each other. Motion and proximity will cause the devices to react and interact in various ways, offering several different opportunities for what the makers call "intelligent play".

Videos on the product website illustrate several loosely educational concepts for possible games, as well as more traditional gaming concepts.

Included in the package is the Sifteo Creativity Kit, essentially a lightweight SDK which will allow graphical customisation of existing games and activities as well as the creation of completely new ones.

The devices were first revealed to the public at CES in January, after a $10 million round of funding secured the project's development.

At that time, Will Wright was rumoured to have visited the company to discuss the possible involvement of his project, Stupid Fun Club.

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