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Rumour: Xbox Live to see 3D avatars?

Speculation on Microsoft's E3 'big reveal' is rife

In the build-up to E3 speculation is rife as to what the 'big three' will be unveiling, and one of Microsoft's 'big reveals' is - apparently - that 3D avatars will be making their way to Xbox Live.

The image, allegedly taken from an online survey according to Joystiq, apparently tallies with previous information received by the site's sources, and shows a line-up of 3D characters, cartoony in nature but rather reminiscent of Nintendo's Miis.

Further details are sketchy, but the popularity of the little Wii people, combined with the fact that Xbox Live Gamer pictures are probably due a refurbish - as well as previous rumours that Microsoft was working on a new iteration of Xbox Live - could add up to some sort of revelation in LA.

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