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Rare and BioWare added to GDC Europe

New iPhone marketing lecture also confirmed as early registration deadline approaches

Rare, BioWare and an iPhone marketing discussion have been added to the 2010 Game Developers Conference Europe line-up, as the deadline for early registrations approaches.

Due to take place on August 16-18 in Cologne, concurrent with the GamesCom trade event, early registrations close on July 21.

Newly announced speakers include Rare's Nick Burton and Blitz's Andrew Oliver, who will give a lecture entitled "Kinecting With A New Audience" - discussing their experiences of creating launch titles for Microsoft's motion control system.

BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, who are also due to keynote at Develop in Brighton next week, will give a special lecture named "Baldur's Gate - A 10 Year-Retrospective". They will take to the stage along with Obsidian CEO and former Black Isle head Feargus Urquhart.

Finally, Newtoy CEO Paul Bettner will give a lecture called "Keys to Successful iPhone Game Marketing". The creator of iPhone app Words with Friends will discuss best-selling iPhone titles together with Sidhe and PikPok's Jos Ruffell.

Other previously confirmed speakers include Heavy Rain creator David Cage and InstantAction's Louis Castle, as well as speakers from Crytek, Playdom, Playfish and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Also confirmed to be presenting at the conference is Another World creator Eric Chahi, who will discuss his new downloadable title Project Dust and an ESA/G.A.M.E. panel on government intervention. Representatives from Chinese publisher Tencent will also be hosting their own lecture.

Further information can be found at the official website.

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