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Press Play let gamers choose its next project

Gamers voted for multiplayer action game Project: Knoxville

Microsoft studio Press Play has allowed its fans to choose the next game it will develop and release from a shortlist of three, and they have selected multiplayer action game Project: Knoxville.

"Last month, Denmark-based developer Press Play - known for 2013's Max: The Curse of Brotherhood - introduced a new development initiative to its community, allowing fans to help choose Press Play's next game from a trio of exciting concepts. The fans have spoken, and the winner is Project: Knoxville," the company said via Xbox Wire.

"Press Play's community will get the chance to engage with the studio throughout Knoxville's open development."

The engagement that Press Play plans includes allowing supporters to see early builds of the game even see meetings and project reviews via Skype. It's essentially all the benefits of being a Kickstarter backer without pledging any actual money.

Press Play made Max & The Magic Marker and was acquired by Microsoft in June 2012.

"Now that the vote is behind us, what's next? About a third of the studio is working on Knoxville high level design and planning, another third is doing an engine evaluation (more on that in the coming weeks), and the last third is working on getting the rough prototype build into a shareable state."

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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