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Photos from the Summer party are live

Were you at the UK's event of the year? Find and tag yourself in our album

It's that time of year again when we're all able to peek through slatted fingers at the Facebook album of the Summer party, hoping against all odds that the photos were all taken on the right side of midnight, before that eighth or ninth cocktail really hit the bloodstream.

Well, don't worry, we're all professionals here, and we've weeded out some of the less...flattering images our official photographer captured on the night, so your dignity remains largely intact. Have a flick through the album and see if you can spot yourself, your manager or any prospective employees. So, head on over to the full album on Facebook, and feel free to tag yourself and share them around, as long as it's in the proper spirit of things. You'll need to 'Like' the page before you can add any tags, however.

As ever, our thanks go out to our co-hosts Wish Studios, Amiqus and NaturalMotion for their support, without which we'd never have been able to put on such a great evening, and the organisational powers of our very own James Grant. See you all next year!

No idea who these guys are...
Outdoors! It wasn't (always) raining
Our gracious host James Grant, helping himself to a beer
Gamer Network's Thomas, Faye and Jamie, basking in our reflected glory
If AJ isn't there, it's just not a GI party. He's basically a mascot
Semi-lovable rogues Tom Phillips and Paul Watson
Beard density was high, but not too high

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