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PAX Dev event planned for August

Penny Arcade's developer-only expo to take place two days before PAX Prime

Organisers of the two Penny Arcade consumer expos have announced a new developer-focused expo, named PAX Dev - which is currently accepting panel submission ideas.

The event will take place on August 24 and 25 at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel in the U.S., two days before the PAX Prime consumer event. PAX Dev is being aimed purely at developers, with no public or press access and no planned business or retail exhibitions.

According to the official website around 750 attendees are expected, but no schedules or speakers have been announced thus far. Early conference registration is $249 for both days, with limited student places priced at $129.

"The idea started with friends in the game dev community asking us to host an event where they could really focus on exchanging ideas without any distractions," said Penny Arcade's Robert Khoo to website IndustryGamers.

"There are events that are great for signing your next deal or promoting your current project, but that's not PAX Dev. We're 100 per cent focused on the craft of game development."

Penny Arcade's support of the table-top role-playing industry will also continue, with designers of traditional role-playing and collectible card games also invited to the event.

Currently two PAX consumer expos are held in the U.S., with the most recent PAX East event seeing 69,500 visitors - more than E3 2010.

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