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Online saving to cloud for PSN Plus goes live

Sony confirms long-rumoured remote storage option for subscribers

As of today, PSN Plus subscribers will be able to remotely store their PS3 save games to 'the cloud', with each user allocated 150mb of space to store up to 1000 save files.

Saves are linked to PSN id rather than machine, so can be accessed from any other internet-connected PS3 with that profile installed. Sony has stated that whilst most titles already at market will support the system, all future games will do so.

Sony first patented the "PS Cloud" back in 2008, but then the projected use was for streaming services and online gaming. Later that year, Steam began offering its customers the option of cloud saves, enabling them to access saves from multiple machines.

In fact, in January, Steam actually beat Sony to the punch by announcing that it would be introducing PS3 cloud saves when it released first-person physics puzzler Portal on the system later this year.

Functionality for the cloud saves will be included as part of the most recent 3.60 firmware patch for PS3, out today.

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