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Nolan North replacing Peter Dinklage as Destiny's Ghost

Ubiquitous voice actor to re-record all of Dinklage's lines

Peter Dinklage's performance as the voice of Destiny's Ghost, the techno-Navi which guided players through the forlorn and broken solar system in Bungie's online space shooter, was never particularly well received. A combination of flat delivery, uninspired scripting and instantly meme-able phrases such as "That wizard came from the Moon!" meant that the so-called DinkleBot was met by players with a mixture of disdain and slightly begrudging affection.

Considered a charmingly inept companion by some and an immersion-breaking bore by others, the initial kudos of attaching such a charming and beloved actor to the role quickly tarnished after release, resulting in the total absence of any Ghost voice-work in the latest two expansions. Now, Dinklage's role is to be usurped by Nolan North - voice of Nathan Drake, The Penguin, Desmond Miles and, of course, Quasimodo in 2005's Shrek Super Slam.

North, GameInformer reports, will be the voice of the Ghost in The Taken King, the newest expansion to Activision's franchise. However, in order to maintain a consistency, North has also re-recorded all of the lines voiced by Dinklage, in order to prevent a jarring change for player who have yet to begin their Destiny journeys.

"They really wanted me to put my stamp on it," North told GameInformer. "They let me bring what I wanted to the role. You have to give it your own spin. For that reason, I specifically said I didn't want to hear anything that someone else had done, so that I didn't have some preconceived notion of what it has to be. Instead, I just gave it my stamp, and let them direct me accordingly."

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