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Noise Festival offers placements with Ian Livingstone

"Prove to me that you have something different to offer"

Ian Livingstone CBE has offered five placements to talent taking part in the Noise Festival, which he's also curating this year.

"I intend to invite the top five people to have a job placement at one of the studios with which I am connected," he said.

"Prove to me that you have something different to offer, show me the quality of your work and you are likely to get a job."

Those who want to take part can submit their work to, an online community for people hoping to break into the creative industries. Work must be submitted by May 31 and the results will be announced in autumn.

"We want digital makers not digital users," added Livingstone.

"At the moment we teach our kids to read but not how to write. We need more coders, not just for games, but for all the creative industries."

NOISE Festival is a national arts charity, based in Manchester, and its festival includes online events, exhibitions and careers conferences.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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