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Nintendo sales up 73% for the year

Company's financial results show expected strong results, with profit up by almost a half year-on-year

Nintendo has reported its full year financial results, with a strong showing on the back of high sales figures, as expected.

The company saw sales jump 73 per cent across the fiscal year, while operating income was up 115.6 per cent and profit up 47.7 per cent.

Total sales therefore amounted to JPY 1.67 trillion (USD 16.1 billion), with profit hitting JPY 257 billion (USD 2.48 billion), fuelled by the sales of over 30 million Nintendo DS consoles, and almost 19 million Wii consoles.

DS titles Pokemon Diamond and Pearl shifted almost 10 million units between them, while the Brain Training titles hit almost 12 million. Wii Fit and Super Smash Bros Brawl featured highly on the Wii titles list.

But despite the strong results, the company has only forecast only a 7.6 per cent increase in sales for the next fiscal year, to JPY 1.8 trillion (USD 17.3 billion), with a 26.3 per cent rise to JPY 325 billion (USD 3.13 billion) in profits.

One of the key reasons for the modest forecast is down to overarching economic conditions, with a strengthening Yen expected to hit Nintendo's numbers in the next year, thanks to over 80 per cent of company income coming outside of Japan.

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