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Nintendo lifts the lid on 3DS

Fils-Aime takes a swipe at "big screen" technology; "We think there's a better solution"

Nintendo has finally lifted the lid fully on its forthcoming 3DS handheld console at this year's E3 Expo press conference.

The device features two screens, with a slightly larger 3.5" upper screen that offers 3D capabilities without the need for glasses, while the touch-sensitive elements have been moved to the lower screen.

"We're not just raising the bar, but we're making it extend into the distance," said Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime, before going on to take a swipe at current 'big screen' technology that was both expensive, and potentially unattractive.

"Man, those glasses... make no mistake that kind of fashion statement doesn't come cheap," he said. "And that's for every person in the room.

"Nobody said it was going to be easy - well, no one but Nintendo. We think there's a better solution," he added.

According to the company there will be "ample content" available for the device at launch, while the 3DS will feature motion and gyro sensors and gamers will be able to take photos with an in-built camera and view them in 3D.

"It's full 3D, without the need for special glasses," added global president Satoru Iwata, also claiming that the added dimension would make it easier for gamers to gauge height, width and depth.

The 3DS handheld will be able to make use of WiFi internet access, and will feature automatic content downloading for offline browsing.

Iwata hinted at some first party software support, but added the company expected to enjoy its "biggest ever launch support from third parties".

Kingdom Hearts, Assassin's Creed and Metal Gear Solid were among the key franchises name-checked as being in development for the 3DS.

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