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Next Zelda may require MotionPlus peripheral

Miyamoto confirms in an interview that his 'goal' is to make the tech a requirement

The next entry in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda franchise for the Wii may require the use of the company's MotionPlus controller add-on.

Speaking to Wired, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that the game - which was previously confirmed as utilising the tech - may actually require it.

"The goal at this point is that we would make Wii MotionPlus required in order to play Zelda," said Miyamoto.

"The bigger hurdle for us is not really whether people have a Wii MotionPlus or don't have it, it's whether or not the experience is one where people will think they want to have a Wii MotionPlus in order to experience it," he continued.

The statement somewhat contradicts an earlier quote, where Miyamoto said that "The potential for it becoming MotionPlus-only depends of course on how well Wii Sports Resort sells."

Nintendo's MotionPlus peripheral for the Wii, which gives the Wii Remote heightened gyroscopic controls that simulate movement in a 3D space, was announced prior to E3 2008 and was released to US retail earlier this month. In addition to first-party titles that include July's Wii Sports Resort, a number of third parties are developing games that utilize the tech, with Electronic Arts in particular committed to seven sports titles.

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