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New Lego Batman details released

The new franchise to follow Traveller's Tales successful Lego Star Wars games, which was hinted at over a year ago, and finally confirmed earlier this year, will be published on all platforms in Europe in 2008.

The new franchise to follow Traveller's Tales successful Lego Star Wars games, which was hinted at over a year ago, and finally confirmed earlier this year, will be published on all platforms in Europe in 2008.

Following the developer's acquisition by Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment last week, for which the Lego franchise will have been the prime sweetener, the company has released new details on the gameplay elements.

Players will be able to take control of Batman or Robin and explore Gotham City capturing several of the criminals found therein, including The Joker and The Penguin.

It will also be possible to construct vehicles, as in the Star Wars games, and play through the game in two player cooperative mode.

Pail Levitz, president of the Batman rights-holder, DC Comics, was pleased that the franchise would be expanding. "There's nothing more appealing to our youngest fans than the chance to be The Batman and the Lego Batman video game will provide a unique opportunity for them to immerse themselves in Gotham and Batman's adventures."

Although the existence of the Lego Batman game was only confirmed this year, a very strong hint was dropped at the BAFTA Video Games Awards ceremony in 2006, when Lego Batman key rings were handed out to attendees.

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