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New indie studio Rhizome Games launches in Scotland

Pete Low, Shaun Campbell and Tom Gane plan first game for summer

Former Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Radical Entertainment developer Pete Low has set up his own independent studio, Rhizome Games, in Scotland.

"It's an exciting time to be an indie developer. The recent announcements of the Source 2 and Unreal engines along with the release of Unity 5.0 means the technical barriers are still coming down so we can focus more on content and the experience," said Low.

"We're looking forward to releasing our first title on Steam and while the challenge of promoting games as an indie is tough, the community has become incredibly strong over the past few years, there are a lot people willing to help if you reach out."

Low's last role was two years as lead game designer at Chunk. He's joined at his new studio by game programmer Shaun Campbell and artist Tom Gane.

"Before coming to Scotland from Canada I knew about DMA Design, Rockstar North and Codeplay but then you see games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, Crackdown, Bloons and the Minecraft conversion onto consoles that have all come from the Scottish development community."

Rhizome Games' first release is planned for summer.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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