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New GamesAid poker tournament announced

Eidos life president and regular card-shark Ian Livingstone is hosting another poker tournament, with proceeds going to GamesAid.

The event will take place alongside GameHorizon 2010, at the Sea Night Club in Newcastle, UK, on June 29 - with prizes on offer: £500 to the winner, £200 for second and £100 for third, as well as other prizes on offer for anybody who makes the final table.

A seat will cost you £40, with re-buys available for the first hour of play at £20 (with half chips). It's a 6pm start, so ideal for anybody attending the conference - Epic and Audiomotion are putting up the cash prizes.

We'll be on hand to report from GameHorizon this year - let us know if you'll be attending, and stick it on your event diary too.

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