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Most developers happy with job, says study

88% agree that the games industry "is still a great one to work in"

The majority of games industry professionals are happy with their jobs, according to data released from the recently published 2010 Game Developer Salary Report.

According to statistics obtained by website Gamasutra 86 per cent of developers indicated they were at least "somewhat satisfied" with their current careers, with two thirds being "satisfied" or "extremely satisfied".

Additionally, a total of 88 percent "agreed" or "strongly agreed" with the phrase "The game industry is still a great industry to work in. Only 12 per cent "disagreed" or "strongly disagreed".

However, 80 per cent of respondents also indicated that there were fewer jobs available in 2009 than in previous years.

More specific questions drew a mixed response, with only 58 per cent agreeing that there was more opportunity than ever before in the games industry.

When asked whether they felt the games industry was "gaining momentum" only 55 per cent agreed with the statement.

The study spoke to 2,623 developers across multiple disciplines. Further information can be found at the Game Developer Research website.

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