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Moore: disc-based games business is a "burning platform"

Industry to say "goodbye" to physical discs within 10 years says EA Sports president

EA Sports president Peter Moore has compared the traditional videogames sales model to a sinking ship.

"The core business model of videogames is a burning platform," said Moore, speaking at the 5th annual PLAY Digital Media Conference.

"Look at the platform we're on, it's a burning platform," said Moore. "As a concept, do you stay on the platform and face certain death, or do you jump into the water and face probable death? Most of you would choose probable death, so you start moving towards a hybrid model of digital distribution."

"As digital distribution becomes more and more, we'll continue as an industry to work with retail and to ship discs, but more and more of the content will be in the 'cloud," added Moore, as reported by consumer website IGN. "More content will be delivered daily, weekly, or monthly, and less will be of the old model of cartridges and discs."

Although he admitted that the industry could still be a decade away "from saying goodbye to physical discs," Moore also speculated that Microsoft would be the first console manufacturer to release a download-only home console.

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