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Mind Candy releases Moshi single

UK MMO company releases new track after YouTube success for Lady Goo Goo

Moshi Monsters, the online game for children, has launched its own record label Moshi Music.

The first single will be available on iTunes September 18, and will be The Moshi Dance performed by Lady Goo Goo.

The song attracted around a million views a month on YouTube, prompting the decision to release it.

"We released the Lady Goo Goo music video on YouTube as a bit of an experiment and were amazed at the response and how fast it spread," said CEO Michael Acton Smith.

"Kids loved it so we though it would be smart to release it and are developing many more tracks"

When Acton Smith spoke to he was keen to point out that Moshi was a global entertainment brand, and not just a game, but its expansion very much depended on recruitment.

" So we kind of have a plan for this ultimate vision, and then it sort of depends on people we meet who could head up various areas of the business, so we're desperately looking for a head of mobile, a head of music, we want an executive producer for our animation division," he explained.

"And when we find someone that's great, and we find a partner we can work with, then that's when we launch that part of the business."

ABC data for Mind Candy's Moshi Monsters magazine recently revealed circulation numbers of 113,748.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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