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MIGS 15 adds master class sessions

Montreal event adds deep dives from Warren Spector, Eric Peterson, and more

The Montreal International Games Summit is expanding its offerings. For this year's show, organizers have added a new track of Master Classes, where industry experts will impart their knowledge in three- and seven-hour courses.

The master classes cover a range of topics and speakers, from Deus Ex designer Warren Spector's session on "What We Can (and Shouldn't) Learn from Other Media" to Descendent Studios' Eric Peterson sharing what he's learned about "Open and Exposed Development" from his time working on Star Citizen and Descent: Underground.

"To support this sector's incredible growth and skilled workforce, it's crucial to provide the opportunity to workers from the gaming industry to optimize their talent and learn new skills that are transferable to their workplace. It's the perfect opportunity for professionals of the industry to get unique training for a small cost, thanks to TECHNOCompétences' partial refund of the attendees' wages," said Alliance Numérique president Martin Carrier.

A full list of Master Classes is available on MIGS' official site. The show is set for November 15-17 at the Palais des Congrés.

Full disclosure: MIGS 15 has a media partnership with, and will be paying for our travel and accommodation during the event.

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Brendan Sinclair: Brendan joined in 2012. Based in Toronto, Ontario, he was previously senior news editor at GameSpot.
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