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Matsuura unveils latest One Big Game

NanaOn-Sha boss shows off WINtA, an iPad and iPhone title, with proceeds set to go to children's charities

The latest title from Martin de Ronde's One Big Game charity organisation has been announced - WINtA (War Is Not the Answer) - a music rhythm game for the iPad and iPhone platforms.

The game is a collaboration between NanaOn-Sha's Masaya Matsuura and Dutch developer Triangle Studios, and was demonstrated on-stage in a keynote session at this year's NLGD Festival of Games event taking place in Utrecht.

Price points and release dates haven't yet been announced, but a significant amount of sales revenue will go to a selection of children's charities.

WINtA is the second One Big Game title to be revealed, with Zoe Mode's Chime being the first release late in 2009. For more information on the game, and for NLGD updates as they happen, head over to the event blog.

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