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OneBigGame makes almost $100,000 for charity

Not-for-profit publisher donates Chime cash to kid causes

OneBigGame, the not-for-profit publisher, has announced that it has made $100,000 profit in 2010, 96 per cent of which it will donate to the children's charities which it supports.

OneBigGame will divide the profits evenly between its two supported causes, Save the Children and Starlights Children Foundation. The majority of the money comes from the sales of Chime, an XBLA title released in January, 2010 - made for OneBigGame free of charge by UK developer Zoe Mode.

"We are very happy to announce these first positive results from what we feel is a unique and new way of raising funds for charity," said OneBigGame Director Martin de Ronde. "Through games created by famous game developers and development studios, we can now help children in need, which we think is a fantastic mechanism.

"Needless to say we're grateful to Zoe Mode and their launch game Chime to help realize these results. Also, we like to think this is just a great sign of things to come as we have a number of very promising games lined up to continue our fundraising campaign in 2011, starting with Masaya Matsuura's recently released iPhone game WINtA, David Perry's next-gen tablet racing game and Charles Cecil's Minesweeper Adventure."

Douglas Rouse of Save the Children thanked the publisher in an accompanying statement. "Save the Children is hugely grateful to OneBigGame for their donation.

"This is an innovative new way of raising funds for charity and the partnership introduces our vital and lifesaving work to a whole new audience of gamers. We hope this partnership will help people learn about our No Child Born to Die campaign, a battle to stop 8 million children dying before their fifth birthday every year."

The organisation has continued the success of Chime via the publication of WINtA on the App Store, a music game which is available for free download, with in-app purchases of extra tracks providing the charity income.

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