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Linkedin group for redundancies goes live

Fran Mulhern creates Clearing for Games group to find employment for staff from closed studios

Fran Mulhern of Recruit3D has started a Linkedin group called Clearing for Games, with the aim of finding employment for staff who have been forced to take redundancy, or were previously employed by a now defunct studio.

Mulhern says he won't be taking any money from either applicants or potential employers, but hopes to facilitate an easy route back into employment for UK industry workers who lose their positions.

"With the tough times the industry here is having, I've noticed that certain of my clients go straight to distressed studios, bypassing agencies when it comes to picking up staff who have been unfortunate enough to have been made redundant," said Mulhern.

"So, with that in mind, I've been planning to come up with some kind of online meeting place where those laid off could interact with hiring studios who otherwise might not have had the chance to show what they can offer."

"Given the amount of industry people already on Linkedin, it seemed like the natural option.

"Every time a studio announces lay offs, I'll aim to make sure the details for the group are passed around internally as much as possible, so hopefully affected employees will have the chance to join the group, and use it to quickly and directly hook up with studios they might not otherwise have gotten the opportunity to hear from. Obviously, the more studios that sign up and regularly post their jobs on there, the better," he added.

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