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Layoffs reported at ngmoco after DeNA restructuring

Japanese company thought to have laid off around 30 staff at Western subsidiary

Japanese mobile giant DeNA is thought to have laid off around 30 staff at its western subsidiary ngmoco as part of a global restructuring process.

Ngmoco CEO and DeNA board member Neil Young issued a statement on the restructure, which is seen as a response to disappointing financial results and the costs of continuing acquisitions in Japan and Asia.

"Armed with the insights we've gained from both the Western & Japanese markets and after completing the integration of a series of key acquisitions, we've organized our global operations to best support & deliver on our mission to build the leading global social-mobile game platform company," said Young.

"We're incredibly proud of our company & our products. We thank everyone that has helped us get to where we are today."

Ngmoco didn't directly confirm the number of positions to go, but sources told Inside Mobile Apps that 30 was a ballpark figure.

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