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Killzone dev: Effort needed to make next-gen title has "quadrupled"

Guerrilla Games' Eric Boltjes explains PS4's easier architecture

Guerrilla Games' lead designer on Killzone: Shadow Fall has explained that while the PlayStation 4 is easier to create a title for thanks to its architecture, it's also a lot more demanding.

"The architecture is really cool because it's easier to develop for, you get more memory, you get more hard drive space, you get more processing power so the architecture is easier," Eric Boltjes told VG247.

"It's also a lot more demanding, because the production effort needed just to make a next-gen title now is not doubled; It's quadrupled."

"That's because everything needs to look that much better. It takes a lot more people, and that takes a lot more communication. So it does it make things a lot more easier from a technical standpoint, but from a professional standpoint it makes things a lot harder."

He likened the process to "leaving your save data for something new and scary" but also said that being on the next-generation platform was of paramount importance to Guerrilla. In fact it was a decision that had been made about two and a half years ago.

Killzone: Shadow Fall will be released alongside the PlayStation 4 next month.

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