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Kenwright seeks new horizons with Starship

Evolution Studios founder reveals broad remit for new venture

Liverpool-based start-up Starship has made public its first round of projects, revealing a broad spread of apps covering lifestyle, gaming and practical applications.

The company, headed up by Sony Evolution founder Martin Kenwright, hopes to invigorate other industries by applying the knowledge learned from years of game development, taking a fresh slant on some key day-to-day activities and past-times.

First up is CyberCook, which Kenwright thinks could take the place of more traditional recipe instructions. "The 19th century had cookery books, 20th century had TV, analogue media and live shows," he explains. "Direct to consumer has come of age, with mass technology ownership allowing us to move beyond existing channels into a brave new world called CyberCook. It's an experience second only to real cooking, a genuine game-changing platform with infinite opportunities for collaboration, partnerships and social media."

More traditionally, Starship is launching Playworld, a kids mobile app which encourages creativity for young children and parents playing together. Finally, the studio has announced plans for e-health app 'Forget-me-not' which will help those experiencing memory degradation to locate important objects and remember routines, increasing their independence.

Kenwright hints that these are just the beginning, however, with more ambitious projects on the way based on VR technology.

"We've been flirting with VR for more than 20 years. Make no mistake, that expertise will be put to good use. We're thinking about returning to our roots with a wicked twist. Original, made-for-VR propositions are on the way. It's truly a case of 'watch this space'."

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