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Iwata blames software, not price, for Wii U sales

Nintendo president points to higher sales of premium console edition

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has attributed slow sales of the Wii U to the available games, rather than the price of the console, in his most recent interview.

"I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles," he told CVG.

"If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U. The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there."

Last week a Nintendo representative confirmed to GamesIndustry International that the Wii U console was still being sold at a loss, making it a price cut in the near future unlikely.

Recent financial results also revealed that in the past three months the machine had only sold 160,000 units worldwide.

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